Chloe and Chris
From the moment I met Chloe and Chris, it was clear they shared a special spark, the kind of connection that comes from deep understanding and profound love. They understand each other and themselves, both as individuals and as a couple. Chris and Chloe exude a calmness that seems to come from true contentment and the joy of being loved and accepted for who they are.
Their wedding day perfectly reflected this tranquility. When I learned that 12 ladies would be getting their hair and makeup done, I expected delays. Much to my surprise, everyone was ready by 10:30 am, prepared for Chloe's big reveal.

The calm groom had a relaxed morning, assisting the venue staff with the final touches before getting ready himself. Chris and Chloe are surrounded by an incredible group of friends who went above and beyond to help with anything needed. This is a true testament to the wonderful people they are.

The ceremony was brief but deeply moving, bringing many to tears while also filling the room with laughter and joy. No one smiled more than Chris and Chloe when they saw each other for the first time that day.

Thankfully, the rain came in patches, allowing us to capture some epic group and couple photos. The celebration continued with amazing dancing, and my favorite moment was all the ladies dancing to Tina Turner's "Proud Mary."I wish Chris and Chloe a life time of happiness .